Sweet Root Coffee

Sweet Root Coffee

Project Info

Sweet Root Coffee & Art, a fictitious brand thoughtfully designed to delve into the realm of User Interface (UI) treatments for a unique coffee and art supplies subscription model.

This venture was born out of curiosity and an appreciation for the role coffee shops play in fostering community and connection. Throughout the years, cafes have been the cherished gathering places for artists, musicians, intellectuals, and close-knit groups of friends to congregate, bonding over conversations and creative endeavors fueled by a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

Recognizing the potential to augment revenue for coffee shops, the concept of a hybrid subscription service was conceived. This innovative model not only excites and engages customers but also offers a means to offset operational costs. Additionally, it paves the way for business owners to reach a broader and more diverse audience, thereby breathing new life into the traditional coffee shop experience. Sweet Root Coffee & Art embodies this vision, offering a blend of caffeinated inspiration and creative possibilities for its patrons.